SRK about DWARF project: It was during his birthday in November that Shah Rukh Khan had spoken about his upcoming film with Aanand L Rai. We are eagerly waiting to see the first glimpse of this film as the superstar would be playing a dwarf in this one. SRK had revealed that the first poster would be out soon, but till now nothing from the film has been unveiled.
So at a recent event, we asked SRK about this delay, to which he said, “This film is a little difficult one. If a person is playing a person who is vertically challenged, especially like this and for a person who is a movie star, who is known for doing a little more romantic roles, there are many if and buts about whether he will be accepted or will it not be. There are two things about this film that I am very proud of. It is the most advanced VFX film made in the world and not just in India. That’s why it is taking a little longer than we also thought. We are giving it the best shot possible because such films are not made again and again. As it is visually so heavy, it is taking time. Money is also being spent. We want to be very exact about it. Film’s title is ready, the tag line is also ready, the image is also ready. As I speak, I have seen it also and it looks quite nice. Just a few days, a few finishing touches and Aanand L Rai sir will certainly share it.”
So at a recent event, we asked SRK about this delay, to which he said, “This film is a little difficult one. If a person is playing a person who is vertically challenged, especially like this and for a person who is a movie star, who is known for doing a little more romantic roles, there are many if and buts about whether he will be accepted or will it not be. There are two things about this film that I am very proud of. It is the most advanced VFX film made in the world and not just in India. That’s why it is taking a little longer than we also thought. We are giving it the best shot possible because such films are not made again and again. As it is visually so heavy, it is taking time. Money is also being spent. We want to be very exact about it. Film’s title is ready, the tag line is also ready, the image is also ready. As I speak, I have seen it also and it looks quite nice. Just a few days, a few finishing touches and Aanand L Rai sir will certainly share it.”
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